Cooper Health Care | Out-Patient Hub
New Jersey
The Cooper Health Care (CUH) Out-Patient Hub project consisted of an existing 30 year old, 88,000 SF, 4-story office building constructed of a steel frame with brick and glass window exteriors and includes a surface parking lot.
The project required design services to renovate the interior spaces and respective exterior systems so that the existing building can accommodate a +/- 5,000 SF addition and a complete new interior fit-out based on CUH’s Program of Spaces.
CUH relocated 12 practices, new diagnostics and treatment clinical units into the facility. R2A assisted in defining which projects required NJDOH and NJDCA Healthcare Plan review and approvals. CUH also added new programs, created and implemented new operational practices providing efficient and professional healthcare services to the patient, families, and friends in a beautiful state-of-the-art ambulatory healthcare facility.
- 110,000 S.F. Out-Patient Services
- Administration
- Behavioral Health
- Cardiology
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Neurology
- Physical Therapy
- 24 Hour Family Care
- Oncology
- Pharmacy
- Primary Care Office
- X-Ray, Mammogram & Ultrasound
- Urology
Master Planning
Health Facility Planning